The need to communicate using online media are increasingly demanding a more specific approach in line with the development of the Internet as a medium of communication and information. Realizing this, the AFP provides more diverse services to menunjuang success of your communications program via online media.
As for our services include:
1.Strategi and Consultation.
This stage focuses on the planning and establishment of communication strategies that will be done. An overview of the communication objectives, background and relevant conditions at the time of the communication will take place the subject of discussion and brainstorming among our clients.
Consultation with us can be done in person or via media mail, chat and phone.
2.Online Media Placement.
Do online media buying for clients to implement communications programs to be run. The media provided that there is advertising space on its network of canals AFP portal development.
3.Online Presence Development.
Service producing designs and applications as part of the online media communication materials as needed. Design and application can be a banner, advertgame, advertorials, webtorial, website or other creative forms according to the needs of strategic clients.
4.Online Content Maintenance.
Manage and develop contents of a web site, whether it be corporate site, webtorial and other pages are required in the online media communications. Content maintenance includes the management of content (image and text) is, reporting, data uploading and copywriting.
5.Online Reporting Activities.
At the end of the program or at a particular moment when the program is done online communication through the media, we are reporting on the activities of such communication. These activities include regular and continuous delivery of the log file as well as other reporting outside the log, the other activities undertaken in connection with a communication program running.
The access profile
Reader's Profile Detikcom based on AC Nielsen survey conducted in 2004 are:
IP Address recorded / day = 500.000 IP Address
Assumption: 1 IP Address is used by approximately 10 persons. Therefore, the total visitors is around 5,000,000 persons
User Profile Based On:
• Male = 74%
• Female = 26%
• 15-19 years old = 11%
• 20-24 years old = 23%
• 25-29 years old = 32%
• 30-39 years old = 21%
• ≥ 40 years old = 13%
• Jakarta = 68%
• Java Other cities = 28%
• Other islands = 4%
• A = 40%
• B = 13%
• C = 26%
• D = 9%
• E = 12%
• Working = 85%
• Not Working = 15%
• Above 5 years = 38%
• 2-5 years = 54%
• Below 2 years = 9%
• Everyday = 69%
• Several times a week = 26%
• Once a week = 1%
• Several times a month but not every week = 4%
• Once a month = 0%
• Less than once a month = 0%
Data from AC Nielsen on "A Usage and Attitude Study on Detik.com Visitors and Internet Browsers" - July 2004.
This information Reasons You Should Advertise on Detik.Com I am take of www.detik.com : Official website.
As for our services include:
1.Strategi and Consultation.
This stage focuses on the planning and establishment of communication strategies that will be done. An overview of the communication objectives, background and relevant conditions at the time of the communication will take place the subject of discussion and brainstorming among our clients.
Consultation with us can be done in person or via media mail, chat and phone.
2.Online Media Placement.
Do online media buying for clients to implement communications programs to be run. The media provided that there is advertising space on its network of canals AFP portal development.
3.Online Presence Development.
Service producing designs and applications as part of the online media communication materials as needed. Design and application can be a banner, advertgame, advertorials, webtorial, website or other creative forms according to the needs of strategic clients.
4.Online Content Maintenance.
Manage and develop contents of a web site, whether it be corporate site, webtorial and other pages are required in the online media communications. Content maintenance includes the management of content (image and text) is, reporting, data uploading and copywriting.
5.Online Reporting Activities.
At the end of the program or at a particular moment when the program is done online communication through the media, we are reporting on the activities of such communication. These activities include regular and continuous delivery of the log file as well as other reporting outside the log, the other activities undertaken in connection with a communication program running.
The access profile
Reader's Profile Detikcom based on AC Nielsen survey conducted in 2004 are:
IP Address recorded / day = 500.000 IP Address
Assumption: 1 IP Address is used by approximately 10 persons. Therefore, the total visitors is around 5,000,000 persons
User Profile Based On:
• Male = 74%
• Female = 26%
• 15-19 years old = 11%
• 20-24 years old = 23%
• 25-29 years old = 32%
• 30-39 years old = 21%
• ≥ 40 years old = 13%
• Jakarta = 68%
• Java Other cities = 28%
• Other islands = 4%
• A = 40%
• B = 13%
• C = 26%
• D = 9%
• E = 12%
• Working = 85%
• Not Working = 15%
• Above 5 years = 38%
• 2-5 years = 54%
• Below 2 years = 9%
• Everyday = 69%
• Several times a week = 26%
• Once a week = 1%
• Several times a month but not every week = 4%
• Once a month = 0%
• Less than once a month = 0%
Data from AC Nielsen on "A Usage and Attitude Study on Detik.com Visitors and Internet Browsers" - July 2004.
This information Reasons You Should Advertise on Detik.Com I am take of www.detik.com : Official website.
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